Children's Ministry
At Mt. Elam, we want you to be able to come and worship knowing your children are taken care of with highest regard. We have security checks and procedures that cover special needs and allergies. Most of all you are the only person who can pick up your child after the service.
TeamKid is a fun, recreation based club for kids. TeamKid balances high-energy activities and games with high-impact Bible lessons, Scripture memorization and life application.
RA's, GA's, Mission Friends
We believe that the entire world need to hear about Jesus, so we have always had a strong missions focus at Mt. Elam. Educating people about missions begins at a young age through RA's, GA's & Mission Friends.
RA's is a mission organization for boys who are ages 6-11 or in grades 1st-6th. RA's reaches them for Christ and leads them to become ambassadors for Christ by developing biblical character.
GA’s is a mission discipleship organization for girls. Every girl in grades 1-6 can be a part of GA’s. Through GAs girls learn about praying for, giving to and doing missions work. They also make new friends and have lots of fun.
Mission Friends
Mission Friends is the church mission organization for children who are age 3-K. The primary objective of Mission Friends is to provide a strong foundation of preschoolers in a Christian & mission lifestyle.
Mission Friends provides developmentally appropriate mission learning experiences to help preschoolers move from a self-centered focus to a focus on others, to become aware that not everyone knows about God’s love, and to understand ways they can help others knows about the good news.
Wee Worship
Wee Worship is an age appropriate worship setting for kids 3yr.-PreK. They participate in games, sing uplifting songs and hour a Bible lesson. Wee Worship dismisses during worship at 11AM.
Children’s Worship
Children's Worship is a jam packed 30 minutes of exciting worship, prayer and truth for God world. Children's Worship dismisses during worship at 11AM.